Search Engine Optimization (SEO) best practices

1. Title Tags

The title tag tells search engines what the page is about and that the page on your website is relevant for that keyword or keyword phrase. Title tags should be unique for every page. In search results, search engines will highlight your keyword phrases if a user has searched for those terms. This increases visibility and click-through rate.

Let’s say you’re trying to rank for “SEOContestAtIIITHyderabad” Your title tag may look like this:

SEOContestAtIIITHyderabad – Some tag line –Hyd,India | IIIT Hyderabad

Best Practices:

  • Your title tag should be written like this: Primary Keyword – Secondary Keyword | Brand Name
  • Use a dash in between your keyword phrases and a pipe at the end before your brand name
  • Avoid duplicate title tags
  • Keep title tags at 66 characters or less in length, including spaces

2. Meta (Page) Descriptions

Meta descriptions, while not as important in search engine rankings, are extremely important in getting users to click through from the search engine results page (SERP) to your website. Meta descriptions should use keywords wisely, but more importantly they should include a compelling description on which a user would want to click on. Much like title tags, the SERPs will highlight keywords that the user searched for, increasing the likelihood of the user clicking through to your website.

Best Practices:

  • Write compelling meta descriptions
  • 150 to 160 characters is the recommended length
  • Avoid duplicate meta descriptions
  • Do not use quotes or any non-alpha characters (Google, cuts them out of the meta description)

3. Content with Targeted Keyword Phrases

Your content is the meat and potatoes of your website. With the latest Google Panda updates, it is extremely important that your content is unique and relevant. If you have multiple pages with the same content (or if you have your content on other people’s websites), you will run the risk of getting penalized by Google and your search rankings will suffer. We want to keep Google happy, so keep your content unique.

Best Practices:

  • Create content that is extremely relevant for that keyword phrase
  • Use your keyword phrase 4 times within your content
  • Use multiple variations of that keyword phrase – singular and plural versions, abbreviations, acronyms (SEO vs. search engine optimization) and synonyms
  • Include links from other pages within your website that point back to this page (see internal page linking below)
  • Create unique content for every medium (press releases, blogs, guest blog posts, etc…). If you send out a press release, do not copy and paste that press release onto your website. If it gets picked up in multiple publications, the search engines will see that you have duplicate content and penalize you for it.

4. Header Tags and Keyword Phrases

A header tag, also known as an H1 tag, is much like the subject line of your web page. You should only use your keyword phrase once in the H1 tag. This should be included on a page to which you are trying to drive unique traffic to. You can also use H2 tags (second header) if there are multiple sections.

Best Practices:

  • Use your keyword phrase once in your H1 tag
  • Use H1 tags on pages you are trying to drive unique traffic to (SEO page)
  • Use H2 tags if there are multiple sections

Example of an H1 tag being optimized for ‘SEOContestAtIIITHyderabad’:

5. Internal Page Linking with Anchor Text

Internal linking refers to a link on a page that points to another page on the same website. Internal linking is important because it helps strengthen those keywords internally for those pages, it allows users (and search engine robots) to navigate through the website, and it tells the search engines that the page is relevant for that keyword phrase.

Best Practices:

  • When linking to another page on the same site from within content, select good anchor text (keywords) to use in the actual link and do this often. For example: “We offer a wide range ofweb design services,” rather than “Click here for our services.”
  • In the above example, you would link “web design services” to your web design services page instead of linking “click here.”

Example of how to use anchor text in your internal links:

The ecommerce text links to our ecommerce page, mobile links to our mobile page, etc. You get the picture!

6. Image ALT Tags and Filenames

An alt tag is essentially the name of an image. All images should use appropriate alt tags. Not only are alt tags good for search engines; they are also good for accessibility. If someone is using a screen reader, they will be able to hear what that image is.

You should try to include your keyword phrase in the name of your image, if possible, but don’t overdo it. Image filenames should also be SEO friendly. Image search is much more widely used than believed, so traffic from there is also valuable.

Best practices:

  • Name all of your images in a way that describes what they are
  • Use dashes between the words, rather than underscores ( purple-hat.jpg rather than purple_hat.jpg)
  • Do not use non-alpha characters in your image or file names (so no %, &, $, etc…)

7. Make Content Easy to Read

This is not a huge factor in search engine rankings, but will help your users easily scan your content and find the keywords they are looking for. You should use bolding and bullet points to set apart words in the text, and this further tells the engines what is important on the page. Don’t go wild or you’ll end up cluttering up your page and aggravating the user.

Best practices:

  • Paragraphs should be roughly three sentences long. Extremely long sentences will lose the users’ attention
  • Use bullet points and bolding to break up large blocks of content. Users tend to scan content looking for keywords
  • Do not overuse bullets and bolding

8. Meta Keywords

Meta keywords used to be popular back in the day. However, nowadays Google (or any other search engine for that matter) does not hold any weight to meta keywords, so go ahead and skip this.



SEOContestAtIIITHyderabad, Content writing tips

You don’t have to sacrifice the quality of your work in order to create content that is search engine optimized and will help improve your ranking with the major search engines.

By integrating certain important elements into your website content, directory submission articles, blog posts and social media content, you can make them easy for search engines to find and improve your overall ranking.

Here are ten of the key concepts to keep in mind that you can use at SEOContestAtIIITHyderabad:

1. Content matters: It’s important to remember that no matter what your subject matter is, your content has the potential to reach a large audience and help your company beyond the SEO benefits. Website content, articles and blog posts are ways to connect your company to relevant, interesting information about your industry. Creating copy that is well-written and focuses on interesting topics in your industry will help it go beyond increasing your page rank by being linked to and shared by outsiders.

2. Stay on topic: Business writing is not the same as writing your personal blog! There’s nothing wrong with adding some personality to your writing – this helps to keep the readers intrigued. Just make sure that you stay focused on the business-oriented topic you are writing about and avoid drifting into unrelated tangents.

3. Write compelling headings: The titles of web pages and articles are among the first things that grab the attention of a reader. Don’t use a generic, boring headline which simply describes what the article or web copy is about. Instead, think like a newspaper headline writer and develop a headline which makes someone want to read more.

4. Ideal keyword length and density: Content written for web copy and articles for directory submission should be 300 to 1,000 words in length. Blog posting and posts on social media sites can be shorter. The length of your article will largely be determined by the number of keywords you are using: a keyword for every 50 to 100 words of content is a good rule of thumb.

5. Add keywords to the bio: Biographical information given for a magazine story or an article for a directory submission is a great chance for you to enhance your credentials and also optimize your content. Make sure that you include one keyword in your bio.

6. Don’t stack keywords: Cramming keywords in an article or page of web content (such as being part of a list) looks unprofessional since all of your linked keywords will be running together on the page. Spread your keywords evenly throughout the article so they look more organic.

7. Use meta descriptions: Meta descriptions are 150 character descriptions of your content and are excellent opportunities for optimization. Make sure your content has meta descriptions with keywords included. This is a great way to get Google to recognize your content and increase its value.

8. Write and tag hierarchically: In order for Google and other search engines to give your content the highest placement possible, it’s important that it looks professional and well-structured. Using the appropriate tags for your content will do this. Use h1 tags for titles, h2 tags for subtitles and so on. This concept will also help your writing by encouraging you to put your most compelling ideas first.

9. Write original content: Having duplicate content is a major no-no for search engine optimization, so don’t just “copy and paste” content from existing sources. Make sure your content is fresh and original – even copying your own content is a poor SEO decision.

10. Choose relevant images: Creative Commons search tools like the Google Image Search Assistant will help you find intriguing images that are free to use without risking copyright infringement. Having eye-catching images that are relevant to your content will grab the reader’s attention.

What is SEOContestATIIITHyderabad all about ?

The SEOContestATIIITHyderabad is all about creating a new blog and making sure that you get it rank the best in all the search engines present ..for the key word “SEOContestAtIIITHyderabad”

That’s it you are done but however, there are some rules and regulations that you need to follow in order to compete in this contest.

SEOContestAtIIITHyderabadRules :

  • Blog should be registered only after the start of event and should be hosted on or only. (e.g. or )
  • Blog should not have more than 10 posts and pages.
  • Blog should have the username of the participant in description/footer. ( username : yourUserName )
  • ONLY 1 blog per participant is allowed. And it should not have unethical content.
  • There are no constraints on the methods to be used for this event. But do keep in mind that search engines are smart too.
  • Only Organic (“non sponsored links”) will be considered for rankings.
  • The judge’s result will be final.
  • Organisers will not be responsible for any outcome of this event.